Now that you have an idea of what sort of design you would like, it's time to learn how to actually carve a pumpkin! Here are some best practices.
First, you must find the right size pumpkin for you. For beginner pumpkin carvers, a large pumpkin is recommended, as you will have less opportunity to hurt yourself while trying to cut into the pumpkin's rind.
Next, use a sharp, serrated knife to cut a circle around the top of the pumpkin, creating a lid. It should be large enough that you can reach your hand into the hole. The lid will also help later on, when you need to place a candle inside to light up your jack-o-lantern's face.
Here comes the messy part! Scoop out the pulp and seeds inside the pumpkin using a spoon or ice cream scooper. If you are someone who loves to bake or cook, use your findings to make some pumpkin muffins ^_^ For the rest of us schmoes, throw that pulp away!
After all that work, you can finally carve a design on the outside of your pumpkin. If you have a stencil or a design picked out, it might help to use a black marker to trace the design on the pumpkin. You could also create your own drawing with the marker, or just carve the pumpkin free-handed. Do what feels comfortable for you.
Once you've finished carving, place your candle inside the pumpkin. You may need to carve a little stand for the candle so it doesn't fall over. Then, place your finished product somewhere others can admire it. Happy Halloween!