Using Git and GitHub
Egg Head: Learn all you need to get started with Git and GitHub and get your first pull requests going.
First Aid Git: A searchable collection of the most frequently asked Git questions.
Git - The simple guide: A straight forward, straight to the point git guide that can serve as a quick reference point if you happen to forget something.
Git Reference Documentation: A complete listing of Git’s features and commands. The documentation is also available as a free ebook titled Pro Git.
GitHub Guide: A pictorial guide for learning Git and Github by Dmitry.M.
GitHub Learning Lab: Get the skills you need without leaving GitHub. GitHub Learning Lab takes you through a series of fun and practical projects, sharing helpful feedback along the way.
Learn Enough Git To Be Dangerous: A comprehensive guide to becoming very comfortable with Git and Github, provided by Michael Hartl – creator of the Ruby on Rails tutorial and founder of the Learn Enough courses.
Learn Git with Bitbucket Cloud: Create a Git repository, Copy your Git repository, add files, Pull changes from your Git repository on Bitbucket Cloud, Use a Git branch to merge a file and much more to become a pro at Git.
Oh Shit Git: How to get yourself out of mistakes made with Git.
Try Git: Learn how to use Git with Code School’s interactive course.
Udacity’s Git Commit Style Guide: A very useful and simple style guide for git commit messages (as well as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3) as it informs everybody on the team – including your future self if you are a solo contributor – what specific changes were made, what type they were, and why.
Learn Git Branching: A beautiful visual guide to learn simple and advanced Git.
6 Best Practices to Manage Pull Request Creation and Feedback: A helpful article on pull request ettiquette from the DoorDash engineering team.
Mastering Markdown: Most web pages (especially the README) on GitHub are written using the Markdown HTML-preprocessor language.
- Another useful resource for Markdown is the Daring Fireball website.
Markdown Emoji’s: One stop for all your favorite Emoji’s using Markdown.
Syntax Highlighting in Markdown: A list of languages that support syntax highlighting in Markdown fenced code blocks.
Markdown Guide: An overview of Markdown, with links to helpful resources and Markdown-compatible tools. Also lists helpful tools and includes a handy cheat sheet.
Open Source Coding on GitHub
Choose A License: A brief guide / repository of various licenses one could use in their open source projects.
Finding Open Source Projects: An easy-to-follow open source guide created and curated by Github and fellow contributors, for those who want to learn “how to run and contribute to an open source project.”
Zero to Mastery: A treasure-trove of GitHub open-source projects - created by Andrei and maintained by our fellow students - to get started on!
Zero to Mastery’s Beginner Guide to Open Source Projects: This is a good place to start learning how to contribute to open source projects on GitHub.
First Contributions: Make your first Open Source contribution in 5 minutes. A tool and tutorial to help beginners get started with contributions. Here is the GitHub source code for the site and opportunity to make a contribution to the repository itself.
Open Source Guides: Collection of resources for individuals, communities, and companies who want to learn how to run and contribute to an Open Source project.
45 Github Issues Dos and Don’ts: Do’s and Don’ts on GitHub.
- - How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub: Get equipped with the tools, knowledge, and understanding you need to be productive and contribute to the wonderful world of open source projects.
Chryz-hub - Opensoure-4-everyone: A repository on everything related to open source. Looking for a project, GitHub membership visibility, basic and advance git commands, getting started with open source and many more.
Complete Guide to Open Source - How to Contribute: Learn why and how to contribute to open source software. You will learn about how to find projects to contribute to, how to make issues and PRs, how to make money from open source, and more.
Complete Git and GitHub Tutorial: This tutorial will help you with using Git & GitHub for your personal projects and contributing to Open Source, with no prerequisites, in an easy to understand language. It starts from the very basics of Git & GitHub, covering all the essential commands, including concepts such as branching, pull requests, forking, etc. We also cover other concepts such as squashing, resolving merge conflicts, keeping your code in sync, and more.
Git and GitHub - 0 Experience to Professional: Learn Git from 0 experience to professional level in 3 projects.
Collaboration Best Practices
The Agile Manifesto: The Agile Software Development Practices are the gold standard for workplace collaboration and an alternative to the Waterfall Software Development model. Examples of Agile frameworks: Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming and DevOps.
Conventional Commits: The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages.